Bring your talent with you.

Bring your talent with you.

What I love about the human race is we can have very similar characteristics or some really, really different ones. Like all the different colors out there or all the different smells, we all have something unique to bring to the table. I am happy to say here at our lab we are sure a mixed bunch of characters.

Doing what I love...
Doing what I love…

We have these common goals to conserve this printed material and skills to complete the task which is exciting in itself yet working together with people of such self-worth makes coming to work exciting. Look around you. Think of the beautiful people that you get to see and interact with every day. Think of who you are and what you do well. Bring it and build the work environment.
I have always had the ability to visualize and understand mechanical tools and such. It is easy for me to take something apart and put it back together. This kinda gives me a boldness to tackle tools and stuff at work to problem solve if they break. I’m a hack… I know.. But most of the time we can get something back up and running if a problem arises.
We are fortunate to have someone here that is talented with art. This person frequently makes signs and birthday cards for us. When I receive one of pieces of art from this individual I am reminded of the care and conscientious attention they bring to everything they do. It makes me smile inside.
We have others who just love “everything books” and have perused this as a career. I am awed and challenged by the devotion and sincere love for it evidenced by all the extracurricular activities they are involved in resulting in many tangible examples of skill in book binding, paper making and conservation techniques.
I have to say when a person brings in lightheartedness to the work environment to me that is the best gift of all. When it is fun to come to work it makes the workload so much easier. When I see these qualities around me the “pursuit of excellence” within me rises up and I say “I want to be that”. Our lab is the best! We are always changing and it is fun to work here. I am lucky. We not only do a great job but each brings something important to the table. I am glad I have the opportunity to spent time with these people. I am honored to be among such a talented bunch. I think we are rubbing off on each other.
Chris Voynovich —- Conservation Technician (PLCH)

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