German Prayer Book

This is a stiff board parchment binding with vellum pages suffering from characteristic distortion caused by improper storage. Owned by the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, this object was treated to flatten the convex covers and repair the inner cover hinges. In order to prevent the binding from distortions in the future, the binding received a custom compression enclosure. Compression enclosures help to both buffer the parchment from fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the environment as well as restrain books under light tension inside the box. Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) was also performed on an illuminated page to document the flaking media. View the treatment documentation of this book.

This is a rare facsimile of a parchment text bound in a semi-limp parchment binding, owned by the Classics Library at the University of Cincinnati where it is used often for scholarly research. Both the parchment cover and the paper textblock were conserved during treatment. This is an example of a full conservation treatment where the textblock was disbound, the parchment facsimile pages were repaired, and the text was re-cased into the original parchment covers. View the treatment documentation for this book.
Diploma, Cincinnati College, William Elwood Wynne

This is a parchment diploma, received by the Archives and Rare Books Library at the University of Cincinnati as a new acquisition in poor condition. It was adhered overall to a dark brown acidic backing paper and taped to an acidic paper mat. The diploma was treated to remove damaging acidic parts. In preparation for storage it was humidified and flattened, and then mounted to a museum mat board. The diploma was housed in an archival sink mat to be used for both long term storage and display. View the treatment documentation for this diploma.